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Mastering the use of Android BroadcastReceiver

Over the years and updates, the Android operating system has become more sophisticated with a bunch of new features. While this is a positive aspect for the end user, it can make application development more complex, increase the number of errors made by developers and lead to vulnerabilities. This is particularly true for Intent management and inter-process communication mechanisms. In fact, Android offers a set of tools enabling applications to communicate with each other. Among them, intents are the focus of attention since they enable activities, services and broadcasts to be started.

This blog post aims to present the BroadcastReceiver component and see how it can be used in a secure way.

A journey using Android static source code analysis tools

In a decade, mobile applications became a daily tool simplifying people’s lives worldwide (from accessing bank account to watching movies etc.). This trend has brought to light a new attack surface and vulnerabilities began to arise due to the huge amount of functionalities offered by the mobile OS.

This blog post aims to present and compare open source tools to see their ability to detect complex vulnerabilities.